Marty Tarantino
**Licensed Acupuncturist **
**Master of Acupuncture (MAc). CCMU**
**BA. Seattle University**
A deep love for the mountains and outdoor adventure sports brought Marty to the Vail Valley 8 years ago. Understanding through personal trials the physical toll this lifestyle has on the body prompted him to study acupuncture and other Chinese healing modalities. Marty graduated with a master’s degree in acupuncture from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Denver where he accrued 2,370 hours of training in Chinese and Western medicines. He has had extensive training in sport’s medicine and trigger point acupuncture techniques with an emphasis on cupping and guasha.
In his free time Marty enjoys experiencing everything Colorado has to offer through excursions with his wife and cattle dog. His passions include hiking, biking, snowboarding, and qi gong and is committed to getting you back to a physical state where you can excel at your favorite activities too. Whether it be for rehabilitative, preventive, or for relaxation purposes, Marty is committed to bettering the Vail Valley’s community through acupuncture.